#30daysofgratitude day 5, hands

We painted everyone’s fingernails last weekend.  Smaller got Bogata BlackBerry on hands and toes, Mini got Snow Me White, and I got Toasted Almond.  They both love getting painted, and I desparately needed a manicure.  Smaller was completely happy, but Mini wanted ninja turtle stripes on top of the white.  I don’t keep all those colors, so he settled for sharpied X’s in homage to Halloween.

My only rule for them is no bright red – I freaked out once when I glanced over and thought I saw blood.  But beyond that rule, they can choose from anything I have in my stash.  I love how much they love getting to pick their color out of the box of bottles, and their sheer excitement over such a small treat.  It’s a little thing, but it brings us all so much fun.

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